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All rights to the website www.portporonaysk.ru (the Website), and all items posted on the Website, including designs, drawings, photographs placed on the page «Gallery», texts, descriptions owned by LLC «Port of Poronaysk».
It is forbidden to use posted on the Website results of the intellectual property in any way without the written permission of the legal owner.

Use the results of intellectual property without the permission of the legal owner is illegal and punishable in accordance with applicable laws (paragraph 1, article 1229 of the The Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
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The Website is a composite work that is the result of result of intellectual activities. Composite works are protected by copyright as a result of intellectual activity.

A violator of copyright and/or related rights may be brought to civil (property), administrative or criminal liability.

For all the use question on the Website and copyright please contact the legal owner — LLC «The Port of Poronaysk».